Governance of Antonine College Ltd
Antonine College Ltd (ACL) is a company limited by guarantee, registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission. It is established to govern, operate and conduct Antonine College (the College) in the charism of the Maronite Antonine Sisters Order in Lebanon (the Order). In their governance role the Board of Directors ensure a strategic approach to the College’s future. The Board is comprised of individuals with extensive and diverse skills and experience.
The College Principal is accountable to the Board of Directors, and the Board reports to the Maronite Antonine Sisters Order in Lebanon, in relation to:
- Mission, Vision and Values
- Catholic Identity
- Strategic Planning
- Leadership Development and Formation
- Performance Development and Management
- Key Leadership Appointments at the College
- Financial Management and Capital Expenditure
- Property Transactions

Click here to read:
1 Constitution of Antonine College Ltd
Antonine College Board of Directors

Monsignor Joseph Takchi OAM EV
Monsignor Joseph Takchi is well-known and respected by the Antonine Sisters, students, teachers, staff and parents as he is also the College Chaplain and Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Parish.
Joseph was a (Secondary School) teacher before he decided to become a Priest. He was ordained in 1982 – the first Maronite Priest Ordained in Australia. He was appointed Assistant Parish Priest under the leadership of then Parish Priest, Monsignor Paul El-Khoury. Fr Joe immediately started work with the young people and introduced English into the Liturgy. He worked to build up the Youth Group in the Parish and was instrumental in the building of Saint Paul’s Hostel and the new Church Our Lady of Lebanon in Thornbury.
Since the Antonine Sisters arrived in 1980, Fr Joe, alongside Monsignor Paul, has been instrumental in helping
and supporting the Sisters in the Childcare, in the administration of Saint Pauls Hostel and in the opening and development of Antonine College.
In 1997, Monsignor Paul passed away, and after a short time, Fr Joe was given the title, Monsignor and became Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lebanon Church. He continues to work tirelessly within the Community.

Leila Khattar
Leila is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors for Antonine College. She is a Teacher at Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - Literacy/ Reading Recovery Specialist. LOTE teacher and leader with VSL. Secretary of VALTA - Victorian Arabic Language Teacher Association which involves organisation of professional development for LOTE Arabic teachers.

Janette Lahoud
Janette has been part St Paul’s Hostel team since 1996. She has extensive experience in aged care management. She is a passionate and active member of the Maronite community in Melbourne.

Elias Azzi
An Alumni of Antonine College and Juris Doctor Graduate at Melbourne Law School | Law Clerk at Dellios, West & Co

Sayed Wehbe
Sayed Wehbe is a highly experienced professional with over 30 years of work experience in various roles. He has a strong skill set in ITIL, project management, business analysis, and vendor management. Sayed has a proven track record in project delivery, change management, and integration. He has previously held positions where he excelled in customer success and general management roles.

Jawad Joseph Abou-Zeid
Jawad is an experienced business owner in the healthcare and hospitality industry. Jawad started his connection with the Antonine Community in 1993 at the Antonine Childcare Centre and went on to graduate from Antonine College in 2008.
He has since completed Dental School at La Trobe University and currently operates a Dental Service that provides much needed dental
care to children at schools. Jawad is one of three children, all of whom graduated through Antonine College and is now married to his wife Alissa and has two children.

Johnny El-Halabi
Johnny brings a wealth of expertise in the real estate, construction, accounting and mortgage industries. With unparalleled dedication and skills in communication, negotiation, and success, Johnny is committed to fostering positive relationships. His professional approach and unwavering work ethic will set an inspiring example for the school community. Enrolled at Antonine College, Johnny's children embody the values he upholds.