
2 November Newsletter 2023

Principal's Message

All Saints Day and All Souls Day

In the Roman Catholic tradition, November is traditionally a month of remembrance of the dead. The month begins with the Solemnity of All Saints on 1 November and the Commemoration of the All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day), on 2 November. While no longer holy days of obligation in Australia, the Church has consistently encouraged prayers for the faithful departed and, during November, a list of the names of the dead is usually placed in the church so that the community can remember them in prayer.

The traditional Maronite feast equivalent to the honour of all saints in their liturgical calendar is one of three Sundays in preparation for Lent called the Sunday of the Righteous and the Just. The following Sunday is the Sunday of the Faithful Departed (similar to All Souls' Day in Western calendar). However, over time, the Maronite Church joins the Western Catholic Church in remembering the faithful departed in November as well. In fact, All Saints Day is a day of obligation in the Maronite Church.

Prayer for All Saints Day

Dear God, thank you for the example of the Saints. I desire to join in their company, worshiping you forever in Heaven. Please help me follow their footsteps, and yours, Jesus Christ. Please help me to conform myself to Your image, seeking Your will in all things, as the Saints did. Please help me to devote myself, and all that I do, to Your glory, and to the service of my neighbors.


- Ms Joanne Bacash

Antonine Day

On Antonine Day, Tuesday 24 October, we celebrated our College and all that has been achieved. We expressed gratitude to all the Antonine Sisters who over the last 20 plus years have sacrificed so much to make Antonine College a reality. Serving the Lebanese Maronites living in Melbourne, the Antonine Sisters responded to requests from the community for a school. Many Antonine Sisters over the years, have left behind their homeland and families to come and serve the Melbourne community helping us maintain ties with our heritage. The Antonine Sisters successfully established a Child Care, School and an Aged Care facility with openness and strong connections with the wider community without losing identity and faithfulness to the Maronite Church. It was very special to have the Antonine Sisters renew their vows in the Mass.

We also celebrated the contribution of all the lay staff, teachers and support staff who over the last 20 plus years, grateful for all the opportunities we have been given due to the dedication and hard work of the Antonine Sisters.

The students are what makes Antonine College, a great place to work. They are enthusiastic, faithful, caring and a pleasure to teach. We pray that our students are always healthy and happy.

Happy Antonine Day to all!

Click here for photos

- Ms Joanne Bacash

Year 12 Graduation

On Thursday 19 October, we celebrated the 2023 Year 12 Graduation Mass and Ceremony. We were very proud of our Class of 2023 who all looked amazing on the night. Following the Mass, all students received their VCE Certificates and some were awarded with special awards.

The recipients were:

  • Encouragement Award: George Fakhoury
  • College Spirit Award: Eva Harika and Andre Fattoul
  • Academic Diligence Award: Antonella Anaton and Chanel Gatt
  • The Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award: Amani Alkichani
  • Principal’s Award: Nancy Taouk

We congratulate all of the year 12 students on their Graduation and wish them well with final examinations and with their future pathways.

Click here for photos

- Ms Joanne Bacash

Faith Development

Year 6 Islamic Centre Visit

On Wednesday 25th October as part of our Religious Education curriculum, students in grade 6 attended the Coburg Islamic Centre. In each unit of Religion at our school, we explore the perspective of faiths other than Catholic from F-6. It’s an important part of our own spiritual journey to understand and respect the ways of others. Students were extremely respectful, and I commend them for their willingness to contribute to discussions and ask questions. The students were presented with some of the basic foundations of the Islamic Faith by Mr. Latif Eastman and Imam Mucteba Torlak, were able to observe the Midday (Dhuhr) prayer from afar and were also provided with a light meal from the administrators of the centre.

- Ms Tanya Khattar

All Saints and All Souls Day

All Saints and All Souls day are two special days remind us that God has a special plan for everyone. Before we were born, God decided that we will live with Him forever. When we were baptized, we became part of a special family called the communion of saints, who share in Jesus’ gift of His holiness. Today as part of our Cedar assembly we acknowledged these two key dates in our calendar by praying for the souls of our loved ones and lighting candles for the intercession of our saints.

Click here for photos

- Ms Tanya Khattar

World Food Day

World Food Day was celebrated at Cedar in a fun and hands on way. This is a special day in our calendar as it’s important to acknowledge the many wonderful cultures and faiths which our school and wider community is made from. Each year level was given a different continent to choose a recipe from to create together. Students loved getting into our school food technology room to cook and enjoy their wonderful meals. Our Foundation students took a trip to Europe and created malteser sweet biscuits, Year 1’s to Africa and made coconut ice, Year 2’s also explored Europe making pizza, Year 3’s stayed down under to create vegemite scrolls, Year 4’s made tortilla wraps in South America, Year 5’s made pancakes in North America and the Year 6’s travelled to Asia to make rice paper rolls.

Click here for photos

- Ms Tanya Khattar

Christmas Card Competitions

We are fortunate enough at Antonine College this year to put our amazing creative skills on display. We have the opportunity to enter TWO Christmas Card competitions.

The first one being from our local MP Anthony Cianflone directed to our students at Cedar. Have a look at the flyer attached for all the details! If you would like to enter, let your teacher or Ms Khattar know and we will print you an entry page!

The second is from His Excellency Bishop Antoine-Tarabay to all students to help design his 2023 Christmas Card. Have a look at the individual flyer to know all the guidelines

You can enter 1 or both! The choice is yours!

Good luck!

- Ms Tanya Khattar

Class Prayer Service for Peace

Standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters across the globe, students participated in a prayer service during their Religious Education class, taking on Pope Francis’ request to pray for peace in the world. Students prayed for world leaders to be touched by God’s love and for justice, peace, and security to be at the centre of all that we do and say.

- Ms Natalie Saliba

Antonine Day Student Video

During the Antonine Day Mass, the College community was shown a video which highlighted key events in the history of Antonine College and the contribution of the Antonine Sisters. Thank you to all students who participated in the video and especially to our Antonine Sisters, who demonstrate God’s love in all that they do for our staff and students. We are so blessed to have you with us.

- Ms Natalie Saliba

St Vincent De Paul Clothing Drive

Thank you to all staff and students who cleared out their wardrobes and supported our clothing drive. All items were donated to the St Vincent De Paul Society in Coburg.

- Ms Natalie Saliba

Learning and Wellbeing

Smart City Expo Day

On Friday, the 20th of October, all STEM Extension students in Years 3-6 went to Christ the King Primary School in Braybrook. In addition to our two schools, there were also students from St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School in Templestowe. Students all brought projects they had been working on from either the Smart Home, Smart Agriculture or Smart City kits. These kits use Micro:bits and a bunch of different sensors to make homes, farms or cities more automatic or sustainable.

Some of the projects our students made included house alarms that would go off if you opened a door or stole something; devices to deter insects or shade plants on farms; and automatic lighting or watering systems for basketball courts or soccer fields. We brought models and presentations and shared them with the other schools.

At the end of the day, students from all three schools mixed to form 20 teams, who competed in a Sphero Battlebot competition. Spheros are little robots shaped like a ball, and they can be controlled by an iPad. To create the Battlebots, students put a paper cup on top of the Sphero, tied a balloon to the back of it and added a pin, some paperclips and some paddlepop sticks. Then all the Spheros battled each other to see if they could knock each other over or pop each other’s balloon. It was a really fun way for students to practise design thinking, play with robots and collaborate with other schools.

At the end of the day, Antonine College was awarded a plaque for our participation, and students also received individual certificates. We are grateful to Sammat Education for facilitating this great opportunity for students, and to the parents and staff who came along for the day.

Click here for photos

- Ms Mori Milholland

Year 3-6 STEM Extension – Mathematics Results

As part of STEM Extension this year, selected students in Years 3-6 participated in a couple of competitions run by the Australian Maths Trust (AMT). During Term 2, as part of the AMT Maths Challenge, students spent an hour a week for four weeks solving complex open-ended problems in teams of two or three. At the end of the four weeks, their answers were assessed, but we only recently received the results and certificates. Congratulation to the following students, who achieved participation certificates:

  • Year 3: Laith, Georgiou, Joseph, Marcus, Bernadette
  • Year 4: Antonio, Andreas
  • Year 5: Daniel, Marco, Teresia, Mason, Zeanab, Sophia, Nicole
  • Year 6: Martine, Joul, Qusai, Abiel, Milia

And a special mention to those who received a Proficiency certificate (6-9 points out of 16):

  • Year 4: Taim, Elias, George, Reinard, Gabby
  • Year 6: Hussam, Lucas

Then in Term 3, all STEM Extension students participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition, which is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students. Congratulation to the following students who achieved a Participation certificate:

  • Ibrahim (Year 3)
  • Rachelle (Year 5)

Those who got more than 32 points were awarded a Proficiency certificate:

  • Year 3: Adam
  • Year 4: Ghazal, Miriam, George, Emeline
  • Year 5: Daniel, Marco, Teresia, Mason, Crystal, Nicole, Bridgette
  • Year 6: Veronica, Hussam, Peter, Joul, John, Alec, Qusai, Abiel, Milia
  • Those who placed in the top 55% nationally were awarded a Credit certificate:
  • Year 3: Maria, Bernadette, Joseph, Marcus
  • Year 4: Elias, Andreas, Thomas
  • Year 5: Michael
  • Year 6: Lucas

Our “Best in School” certificate was awarded to Reinard Kadamani in Year 4, who also received a Distinction certificate for placing in the top 20% of his age group nationally. Well done to Reinard and to all our talented mathematicians.

- Ms Mori Milholland

Year 3 Procedural Text

Year 3s have been busy learning about Procedural Text. They are learning to write and follow steps to achieve a goal. This week’s goal was to make delicious salty pop corn.

We watched Sr. Veronique as she made us pop corn and we wrote down the ingredients and steps. At the end, we had to try our recipe of course.

Click here for photos

- Ms Joelle Zakharia

Year 6 Media Arts

This term our Year 6 students are studying Media Arts. We began the term with a unit study all about advertising. Did you know companies use a whole assortment of tricks and techniques to persuade people to buy their products? We looked at advertising in different cultural contexts, ads from history, and ads aimed at different audiences. Our students were invited to invent their own product then create a multimedia advertisement for this product. As you look at the sample of ads featured here, keep an eye out for some of the advertising techniques they might have used; such as bright colours, recognisable characters, discounted prices, special deals, clear target audience, slogans, jingles and featured products.

Well done Year 6!

- Mrs Simone Hocking

Year 7D with Mr Zammit learning about chemical change

Year 7D with Mr Zammit learning about chemical change making different coloured slim using Borax, PVA Glue and colouring.

Click here for photos

- Mr Adrian Zammit

Year 8 Art

Students in Year 8 used bottle caps to create large scale art pieces. Their inspiration was the world around them. One group looked at the beauty in the world, another at peace being broken due to the war and another group wanted to comment on plastic waste ending up in our oceans through their depiction of a whale swimming through rubbish.

Students worked well in teams to create these fabulous murals and they look beautiful in our art foyer.

Click here for photos

- Ms Ria Coffey

Year 9 Forum Winners

Congratulations to Charbel, Giseille and Joseph who were recently chosen as the year 9 form overall winners. Their proposal to raise the profile of tennis within Antonine College and related suggestions were voted as the winners for the 2023 Year 9 Student Forum. The group developed a detailed plan which included the purchase of new tennis equipment. Some of this equipment has arrived at school and was excitedly unwrapped this week.

In 2024 this idea will be further developed with Pickleball also investigated as a lunchtime activity. We look forward to these sports being available for students to participate in during breaks.

Click here for photos

- Ms Stephanie Monds

Year 10 Pastoral Care Incursion

Tuesday 31 October all our Year 10 students had the opportunity to take part in a world leading road safety experience funded by TAC through the Melbourne Museum, encouraging your drivers to be aware of the impact of their actions on the road. It features the latest visual and digital technology to help Antonine College and the wider community see how Victoria is moving towards a future where every journey is a safe one.

Click here for photos

- Miss Jessica Healey

Upcoming Dates:

6 November: Professional Learning Day (pupil free day)

7 November: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

8 - 10 November: Year 6 Camp

21 - 23 November: Year 11 Camp

1 December: Last Day for Year 10 & 11

7 December: Last Day for Year 7 - 9

12 December: Last Day for Cedar Campus

We are called to care for CREATION - 2023 College Theme

Antonine College Reception

P: (03) 9354 1377


Cedar Campus (Foundation - Year 6
130 Harding Street, Coburg VIC 3058
Saint Joseph Campus (Year - Year 12)
71 Grandview Ave, Pascoe Vale South VIC 3044