
25 February 2022 Newsletter

Dear Members of the Antonine College Community,

We are very pleased to welcome Mother Nazha El-Khoury, General Superior of the Antonine Sisters, who is visiting from Lebanon. Mother Nazha will be visiting our school, Antonine College as well as the Antonine Sisters Child Care and St Paul’s Hostel where the Antonine Sisters provide care for the elderly. We are awaiting the update to the Schools Operations Guide for COVID safety as we hope to provide parents with an opportunity to meet Mother Nazha too. Definitely, there will be opportunities to meet her at our Parish Masses at Our Lady of Lebanon Parish, Thornbury.

We wish Mother Nazha all the best for her visit to Australia.

Ash Monday

Why do Maronites celebrate Ash Monday not Ash Wednesday?

The Maronite Lenten season begins with the “Entrance into Great Lent” on Cana Sunday. The Maronite Church adopted the Ash Monday later, from the Latin Church. Considering that Great Lent starts on Sunday, it only made sense to distribute the Ashes on Monday not Wednesday as in Latin Rite.

Why is Great Lent for Maronites more than 40 days?

‘Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days…’ Luke 4:1-2

It may appear that the Maronite Lenten period is for more than 40 days. The Sundays during Great Lent are not counted as part of the forty days as Sundays are for the celebration of the resurrection. So not counting Sundays, we have forty days from Cana Sunday to the Thursday of the Mysteries (Holy Thursday).

Please click for information on what you can do during Lent from our Parish, Our Lady of Lebanon: Ash Monday Lenten Program 2022

Cana Sunday Icon

2024 College Enrolments (Limited places for 2023)

We welcomed many new students this year and our enrolments quickly reached capacity in most classes. If you have younger children you would like to enrol, please do so now for 2024.

We still have limited capacity for 2023. Please see information about enrolments and about booking school tours here: Book school tour

College Open Mornings

Due to COVID restrictions, we have not been able to welcome parents onsite in the last two years. We are pleased to welcome current parents and offer the chance to visit classrooms and see the school facilities. Please click below for information about how to book:

Cedar Campus Open Morning

St Joseph Campus Open Morning

College Fees

Fee Statements are currently being prepared and sent out. If you need assistance with a payment plan, please do not hesitate to contact the College and ask for Accounts. We have been able to assist all the families who contact us with payment plans.

College Communication

To keep you informed, please check your emails regularly for school correspondence. Please also check our website for latest news and information.

College Uniform

Please note that we have updated our Uniform Policy. Please click here for full policy –

Antonine College Instrumental Program

Please see this link to learn more about our Instrumental Program:

Year 7 transition

Our Year 7 students have settled into classes and routine in secondary school so well. The staff at Cedar and St Joseph work hard to cater a transition program to support them in their journey and we are glad to see them flourishing in this way

Click here to view Year 7 transitioning into secondary

Year 10 DNA extraction

Year 10s did a great job of extracting DNA from strawberries today.

“After studying the composition of DNA and its role in our bodies year 10 students successfully extracted DNA from strawberries. After crushing the berries to break apart the cells inside then a detergent solution was added to break down the cell membranes. The solution was then filtered to removed cell debris. The final step is to add an ethanol solution to the filtrate which causes the DNA to clump together. This is carefully removed from the solution and examined under a microscope.”

Click here to view Year 10 DNA extraction

VCE Information Evening

On Wednesday Evening students and their families were invited to the virtual VCE Information Evening. Our VCE team - Fran Cometti (Learning Leader), Maureen Vitetta (Wellbeing Leader) and Josie Rovetto (Careers Counsellor) shared information that is important for students and their families to understand about the VCE. Here is a link to the presentation

Thank you to the VCE team for putting this together and sharing

Earthcare - Cedar Garden

Our Grade 4 students guided by their teacher Mr Corrado Blanco have been working together to reinvigorate our vegetable garden. Students have been motivated and inspired to care for God's creation addressing ecological challenges. The students are developing a composting system, a worm farm and putting back into the Earth our organic matter.

Click here to view Earthcare - Cedar Campus Garden

Finalists in the Oz Kids Art Awards:

During Lockdown in 2021 we had an illustrator virtually visit called Marc McBride ( Marc encouraged students to enter an Art Competition that he was judging. We had two students Lara Katim and Louis Baghdan enter and they were judged as finalists in the competition for the art pieces they submitted. We would like to extend our congratulations to Lara and Louis for their commitment to their art and initiative to enter this competition. Students received a certificate and medal and will be acknowledged at the next year level assembly.

Home | marc mcbride | illustrator | Deltora Quest | Australia

Australian illustrator Marc McBride has illustrated over fifty book covers and countless magazines, as well as producing artwork for advertising

Art piece by Lara Katim

Teacher Professional Learning Day 23 February

Teachers gathered at both College Campuses to collaborate, listen, learn and plan during their Professional Learning Day on February 23. There were three workshops on the day.

Workshop 1 - supported our Wellbeing for Learning framework focusing on how lessons are structured to ensure students feel safe, engaged and ready to learn knowing there will be clear and explicit teacher instructions and predictable routines.

Workshop 2 - teachers analysed the AITSL professional standards for teachers to track their career progression and improvement of teacher practice.

Workshop 3 - an external presenter from EarthCare worked with staff on their understanding of Laudato Si, their ability and motivation towards being part of the action for change to care for creation.

Click here to view Teacher Professional Learning Day 23-2-22

Camp Australia Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

A reminder that Camp Australia offers After School Care at Cedar Campus for primary aged students. They also offer school holiday programs. Please click here for more information:

Click here to read about the Registration Blitz

Upcoming Dates:

  • Wednesday 30 March: Parent Teacher Interviews (No classes) - After-school care available all day for Cedar campus students
  • Friday 8 April: End of Term 1
  • Tuesday 26 April: Term 2 Commences

Rejoice and Be Glad! (Psalm 118:24) - 2022 College Theme

Antonine College Reception

P: (03) 9354 1377


Cedar Campus (Foundation - Year 6
130 Harding Street, Coburg VIC 3058
Saint Joseph Campus (Year - Year 12)
71 Grandview Ave, Pascoe Vale South VIC 3044