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A Positive Start to the Year at Cedar Campus

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

At Cedar Campus this year, all classes started with a new unit called “Positive Start.” This unit covered all curriculum areas, based on an understanding that “learning environments that are supportive, engaging and have established routines help empower students and build learner agency.”

During this unit, students and teachers negotiated and set up routines for reading, writing, mathematics, prayer, reflection and behaviour, among others. They wrote their shared expectations down and took time to review and refine them, in order to allow everyone the best opportunity for success throughout the year.

This important work aligns with the College’s “Wellbeing for Learning” framework and is underpinned by the understanding that students and teachers who feel positive in the classroom are better at learning, and vice versa. Providing all students and teachers with the time and space to create consistent and supportive classroom routines really did create a positive start, as classes are now more settled and engaged in productive learning.

- Ms Mori Milholland

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