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Antonine Day

Thursday, October 31, 2024

On Tuesday 29 October we celebrated Antonine Day. Did you know that usually the Antonine Sisters and Monks celebrate their Feast Day on the 17 January – on the Feast Day of St Anthony the Great. But of course, we are on school holidays in Australia at that time so that is why we celebrate it now later in the year.

Antonine Day is a day to express gratitude to all the Antonine Sisters who over the last 20 plus years have sacrificed so much to make Antonine College a reality. Serving the Lebanese Maronites living in Melbourne for over 40 years, the Antonine Sisters responded to requests from the community for a school.

Over the years, many Antonine Sisters have left behind their homeland and families to come and serve the Melbourne community helping us maintain ties with our heritage. The Antonine Sisters successfully established a Child Care, Antonine College and an Aged Care facility with openness and strong connections with the wider community without losing identity and faithfulness to the Maronite Church.

We also celebrate the contribution of all the lay staff, teachers and support staff and I know we are so grateful for all the opportunities we have been given as a result of the dedication and hard work of the Antonine Sisters. Sr Mariette, Sr Veronique and Sr Rita are great examples to us. They live life humbly, in service to God and to others. We pray for more vocations for religious life.

- Ms Joanne Bacash

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