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Book Week St Josephs Campus Simultaneous Reading

Monday, August 28, 2023

2024 Book week Theme: Read, Grow, Inspire.

At St Joseph’s campus, staff and students in year 7 to 12 participated in a range of events to show they can read, grow and inspire.

This is a fabulous theme as everyone was able to participate in some way and demonstrate how they could find reading to grow, to find empathy and be inspired, to become a better person.

Student led activities have been a significant feature of Book Week this year.

The library display was interactive, students could add ‘a leaf of inspiration’ noting a book that inspired them. During READ classes students shared and thought of a book they read that was inspirational. Students Mia Azzi in year 8 and Angelina Saade in year 9 used their technology and communication skills to each create video recording of teachers and students sharing their inspirational books. We thank Clara Taouk, Imam Mouhamad and Aya Ahmad in year 8, teachers Mr Kirkman and Ms Healy, Gabriel Safo and Emma Al Rachid for their stories of inspiration.

Year 7 student, Sienna Semaan didn’t want her photo taken but was more than happy to create and submit the winning Book Week Poster. It is proudly being displayed in the library.

During break time Mary Farhah in year 11 demonstrated and taught students to read and follow instructions to make origami constructions.

Our student leaders, Rand Farrouh and Andre Fatoul ran the Book week quiz presentations where students had to work out the titles, books authors by recognising clues in a series of power point presentations.

On Thursday 24 August at 11:35am to 11:45am everyone at the St Joseph campus took part in Simultaneous Reading. Our READ program which promotes silent reading for all in years 7 to 9 could be enjoyed by everyone across the school at the same time.

We are very grateful for the support of our library monitors, Esther El Fakhry and Maria Khabbazeh who assisted with the daily bulletin quiz and helped with preparing and packing up the library activities.

Book week is also a great time for students be inspired by authors and illustrators. Students are also encouraged show their creativity and enter competitions for their designs and writing they can enter some of their work here

Thank you everyone for your contribution, participation and support.

- Ms Josie Rovetto

Teacher Librarian/ Career Development Practitioner

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