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Cedar Campus Arabic VALTA Awards
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Every year, VALTA (Victorian Arabic language teachers Association) organises a competition open to all students learning Arabic in Victoria focussing on a specific theme.
This year’s theme was “Why we learn Arabic?”.
Students were encouraged to participate and worked on their projects in class and at home.
We would like to congratulate all students who participated and especially the following students on winning the competition:
Junior 1-2
- Miriam Year 2A
- Angelina Year 2B & Khalil Year 1C
- Jonathan Year 1C & Elizabeth Year 1C & Tatianah Year 1B
Middle 3-4
- Marla Gbreeta
- Tia Haddad
Senior 5- 6
- Ella Azzi & Abiel Jreich
- Michelle Hanna & Crystal Fedhail
- Valantina Riyadh
- Mrs Rima Atme