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First Holy Communion

Saturday, September 09, 2023

On Saturday 9th September 2023, 40 students from Antonine College and the Our Lady of Lebanon Parish came together to celebrate the Sacrament of the First Holy Communion.

It was a day of immense joy and significance, as we witnessed the children take their first step towards a deeper connection with the Divine. The students beautifully demonstrated their spiritual journey and knowledge of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus. They were able to open their hearts, souls and minds to reflect upon the Eucharist and the unbreakable bond they now have with Christ.

We thank the parents and guardians once again who nurtured and guided the children on their faith journey. We also thank our wonderful students for their dedication to growing in this faith.

Congratulations to all the students who celebrated the Sacrament of their First Holy Communion

- Sr Veronique Karam and Ms Tanya Khattar

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