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National Family Reading Month

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

May is National Family Reading Month, one of Antonine College’s biggest celebrations of books and reading. Each year students are invited to Read More in May and participate in a reading challenge at home with their families. Students read every day for at least ten minutes and record it on their reading log. At the end of the month, a parent or guardian signs the reading log, and it is returned to school by Friday, 7 June. There are book prize packs for one student in each class who participates.

Last week Cedar Campus library held a Scholastic Book Fair as part of National Family Reading Month. Students lined up outside the library with great excitement to browse and buy from the fantastic selection of books, activity kits, posters, and stationery that was on display. The fair was extremely successful with over $3800 dollars of items sold. This entitles the College to over $1300 in commission which has been taken as new books for the library from the Book Fair stock.

Book Fair Colouring Competition Winners

Congratulations to the following students.

Foundation - Christina Soliman FA

  • Year 1 - Shnouda 1B
  • Year 2 - Yahya 2C
  • Year 3 - Ali 3B
  • Year 4 - Raquel 4B
  • Year 5 - Stella 5A
  • Year 6 - Anna 6A

Each student received a $10 voucher to spend at the Book Fair.

National Simultaneous Storytime will be held across Australia and New Zealand on Wednesday, 22 May. The book selected to be read this year is Bowerbird Blues written and illustrated by Aura Parker. This is a story about a bowerbird’s quest to find and collect anything blue to decorate his bower. After searching and swooping all over the city and bush his bower attracts something that is more satisfying and fulfilling than he could ever have imagined. Students in Foundation to Year 2 will participate in the storytime reading of the book followed by literature-based activities. Photos and further information will be in the June newsletter.

- Mr Gavan Kelly

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