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Reading is Thinking Focus

Monday, March 06, 2023

Students across F-9 have been allocated time in every literacy class for finding a “just right book” (a book that is engaging and appropriate for the reading level of each student) and reading independently for a sustained period (we are aiming for 20 minutes).

We are supporting students to think about their reading and be able to express their thinking verbally and in writing using teacher conferencing, goal setting and journalling.

Please chat with your child about their reading. We use the following 12 reading strategies to help prompt our students to think about their reading and to guide our explicit teaching opportunities and reflection. Reading requires thinking within, about and beyond the text.

The image below identifies 12 Reading Strategies.

Thinking Within the Text:

Searching for and using information

Monitoring and self-correcting

Solving words

Maintaining fluency



Thinking Beyond the Text:


Making connections



Thinking About the Text:



Some questions you could ask to encourage your child to think about their Reading:

What do you think might happen next? (Predicting)

Whose perspective is not shown? (Analysing)

Are there any words you don’t understand? (Solving Words)

Did the character make a good choice? (Critiquing)

What would you do if you were in the same situation? (Making connections)

What clues in the text make us believe .....? (Inferring)

What were the five main events in the book? (Summarising)

- Ms Ria Coffey

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