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Staff Formation Day: Sacred Space – Sacred People

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Our Staff Formation Day held on Monday 15th April in the Mother Isabelle Khoury Stadium was presented by Dr Margaret Ghosn, a Maronite Sister of the Holy Family who works extensively within the Maronite Community and is currently Executive Principal at the Maronite College of the Holy Family, a K-12 co-educational Catholic College in Harris Park, Sydney, NSW. Sister Margaret has a Doctor of Ministry and her areas of expertise include Theology, Biblical Studies, Education and Leadership.

We were very lucky to have the opportunity to hear Sister Margaret, author of A Journey from the Beginning: Creation Accounts in the Book of Genesis explore in detail the texts of the first three chapters of Genesis. She used these texts to help us to discover their message and meaning; and how they direct us in our life choices in relation to our college theme: Praise God, Creator of all humanity and the environment.

Sister Margaret is an excellent presenter who shared her wisdom and expertise in a friendly and approachable manner which catered well for the diverse levels of knowledge and experience of our staff. Her presentation was engaging, well-paced and provided a good mix of prayer, meditation and group activities which included individual reflection and group discussion.

Before lunch we gathered for the Staff Mass, which was celebrated by our College Chaplain, Monsignor Joe Takchi. In the afternoon we had the opportunity to select one of the following one-hour workshops that were offered:

  • Maronite Faith and Eastern Catholic Churches – Monsignor Joe Takchi
  • What is the Mission of a Catholic School? How do we as leaders support the Mission? – Sister Margaret Ghosn
  • Antonine Sisters – Sister Veronique Karam
  • Meditation- Scripture, Music and Art – Joanne Bacash
  • Dialogue for Encounter – Mark Shafton

It was a wonderful Staff Formation Day where we were encouraged to take time out to pause, rest and enter deeper into the mystery of creation - to find our sacred space and recognise ourselves as sacred people made in the image and likeness of God.

We would like to thank our presenters Sister Margaret Ghosn, Monsignor Joe Takchi, Sister Veronique Karam, Joanne Bacash and Mark Shafton plus all those behind the scenes for helping to create such an inspiring, spiritual, and faith-filled day. Finally, we would like to thank Joanne Bacash, our College Principal, and the leadership team for supporting this day which enabled staff to stop, reflect, and understand their own faith journey and the wisdom and mystery of the Catholic Christian Tradition.

- Ms Christina Staunton-Burke

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