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Staff Training – Restorative Practices and Circle Time Discussions

Thursday, June 22, 2023

This term all staff at both Cedar and St Joseph campus engaged in Restorative Practices professional learning facilitated by Kristy Elliot.

Restorative Practice is what practitioners do when they use the principles, values and practices of the philosophy of Restorative Justice (RJ). Restorative Justice principles and processes have existed in some cultures for hundreds of years. The Restorative Justice Framework is a values-based, collaborative approach to dealing with harmful behaviour. People and relationships are viewed as the most important aspect of schools and communities. A basic need of all people is to feel connected to others (belonging) and respected within their communities (significance). These factors have significant impact on relationships and in turn achievement.

Circle Time Discussions are a critical component to forming strong relationships with teachers and students and students with their peers. Staff took part in training on how to run an effective circle time and at the St Joseph campus students facilitated this training with.

We woud like to thank Ameer and Amani Alkichani, Janette Albazi, Merian Diab and Andre Fatoul of Year 12 for their time in supporting teachers.

- Mrs Helen Diab

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