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Student Wellbeing Leader’s Update

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Each Tuesday a group of VCE students have created a homework club where they offer support to younger students to help them with their homework.

The students in years 7-9 have an opportunity to work with the homework support club leaders and complete their homework or class tasks with support. Many of the students prefer help with their mathematics or science tasks.

The senior students are giving up their time to support younger students in an effort to help keep them engaged with their work, they know this supports their wellbeing as well.

An initiative of Rand and Andre, our student wellbeing leaders, who have worked hard to come up with ideas to encourage their peers to feel good about their time while at school.

The wellbeing leaders have also created positive affirmations boards in the VCE and Junior school areas, this to encourage students to persist in time where this may be a challenge.

- Andre Fatoul and Rand Farrouh

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