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Year 11 and 12 Careers Guest Speakers professions

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Tuesday May 2nd Year 11 and 12 met with a panel of speakers comprising of young professionals in a range of careers. Ms Marcus invited colleagues including an Antonine alumni to volunteer their time to speak our students during a careers lesson.

Sarah Goga: Business Development Manager, Reproductive Genetics

Mary Kalandos: Chiropractor

Samuel Gewargis: Project Engineer at Windtech

Dooren Markas: Senior Solicitor

Dominique Athaide: Account director at an Advertising Agency

Senior students are at a time in their career development where they are considering their interests with greater depth.

In addition to reading about careers, our senior students had the opportunity to:

  • Learn from the experience of others,
  • Ask about what to expect in study, search for work and work itself,
  • Refer to these experiences to help prepare for own pathways.

We asked key questions such as

  • What is your job and where do you work?
  • Describe what your work involves on a typical day?
  • How did you prepare for further study and training and where did you study?
  • What ‘stand out’ skills and attributes are needed for your job?
  • What do you know now, that you wish you were told in year 11/12?

Students learned that each professional developed an interest and passion for a subject whether at school or once they started tertiary study, they learned the importance of having a mentor and managing time effectively. When asked about skills and attributes were needed for their job, all the panellists agreed on the importance of communication skills, being able to listen carefully to clients, understand briefs and convey information written and spoken.

After the presentation, students were invited to the seminar room in the library to ask more questions. Students appreciated the opportunity to meet with the panellists and get a better understanding of what to expect as they plan their pathways and consider the work opportunities for the future.

Josie Rovetto

Career Development Practitioner.

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