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Year 11 Business Management Marketing

Monday, August 21, 2023

On Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd August, the Year 11 Business Management classes, Mr Lattouf and myself attended an excursion to Melbourne Central to support the learning occurring in class. The students are currently learning about the topic of Marketing a Business and will complete a marketing presentation as part of their overall assessment for this outcome. This excursion was designed to support students in the development of their own presentation and give them a sense of marketing in the real world supporting the content studied in class.

After catching a bus and train into the city, the students were given a note taker to complete where they had to choose products and assess the various marketing components taking place within the business. They needed to assess a product, determine the pricing strategies used, reflect on the physical space provided by the business as well as conduct a short interview regarding the customer service received.

Student feedback was positive, and the students enjoyed the opportunity to work in partners/threes, independently move around the centre and have choice in the businesses they chose to study. Upon return to school in a follow up lesson, students were able to recall real life examples and link them to the content learned. Students also completed a reflection. This was the first time we had integrated this excursion into our learning and feedback suggests we will do it again.

I would like to thank Mr Lattouf for accompanying the students on both excursions and congratulate the students on their behaviour representing the school.

- Maureen Vitetta

Student comment

On Tuesday the 22nd of August, my business class and I made our way to Melbourne central through public transport with the help of Ms Vitteta and Mr Lattouf. We were tasked a worksheet that needed to be completed and a partner to complete it with. I was with Ushae and we completed our note taker. We then roamed around the shopping centre and enjoyed our time with our friends. Overall it was excursion that i would repeat with nobody else but my class. Thank you to Mr Lattouf and Ms Vitetta for organising this experience and all your efforts. Highlight of the excursion was Ms Vitetta running to the bus stop.

- Yacoub Issa Year 11

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