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Year 3 and 6 Maths Board Games

Thursday, October 05, 2023

Students in 6B designed and produced their own Maths Board Games. This provided students with the opportunity to apply concepts they have learned in Maths this year as well as encouraging critical thinking, inquiry and problem solving.

We invited 6A and 3B to join us for some fun and challenging work. As well as being entertained, playing these board games helped develop cognitive skills such as decision making, higher-level thinking skills, communication and numeracy skills.

Some student comments…

  • It was lots of fun and educational. I learnt a lot today. (Celine 6A)
  • I had so much fun playing these games and I learnt how to multiply and divide by double digits. (Ella 6A)
  • I loved the way the games were so well thought out and how much fun I had playing them. (Abiel 6A)
  • I really enjoyed playing the board games that the students in year 6 made and I learned how to solve sums quickly. (Maria H 3B)
  • It was lots of fun, I hope you do this again soon. (Joseph 3B)
  • I really, really enjoyed making this game because I had the freedom to make up my own characters and “boss battles.” It allowed me to expand my knowledge and think outside the box. (Qusai 6B)
  • This project was fun to make in my spare time when I was bored. I learned how to use scrap paper to learn how to make a spinning wheel and maths cards with bodmas, division, multiplication and square roots. (Bahnam 6B.)

- Mrs Anna Stradiot-Gatto

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