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Year 3 Art Gallery

Thursday, July 27, 2023

During the school holidays, students were able to put their art skills learnt in term 2 into action. They used their inspiration from artists such as Jackson Pollock, Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol and Pablo Picasso and they created their own canvas artwork. We created a gallery to showcase their talents with the rest of the school. Classes took turns in visiting the art exhibition and used their iPads to scan the individual QR Codes to learn more about our Year 3 artists. 

 Here is some feedback from the other classes:

I loved the painting of the sunflowers in the vase because it looked pretty- Alana 1B

I loved the amount of detail they used in their paintings," Daniel 5B

'It's pretty cool using the QR code to learn about the artists,' Marco 5A

My classmates and I went to see all the wonderful and amazing artworks on display in the atrium. We enjoyed the view of the artworks from our perspective and many unique designs from the Year 3 classes. We appreciated the opportunity to look at these marvellous artworks and subsequently many Grade 6 students were inspired and encouraged to draw and paint more, so we thank Year 3 for giving us this opportunity.
-By Peter Alzwahra 6A

- Mrs Joelle Zakharia and Ms Danielle Velona

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