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Year 3 Inquiry

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Last term the year 3 students were lucky enough to visit The International Flower and Garden Show in Carlton. The students learnt about bees as pollinators, planted seedlings to take home and collected ideas for us to use in our garden space at school. This term, we have spent time in the garden learning about the life cycle of plants and animals, food chains and where our food comes from. The students made mini greenhouses and watched the growth from seed to seedling before planting them in the garden. The bug hotels where a huge success with students identifying the importance of pollinators in the garden for the life cycle of plants. Now we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our guests. They also learnt that native bees, who frequent these hotels, do not sting.

A huge thank you to Mr Kelly for cutting all the materials for the bug hotels.

- Mrs Joelle Zakharia and Ms Janine Wanda

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