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Year 7 Ancient Worlds Incursion

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

On Tuesday 20th June, Year 7 students spent the day bring the ancient world back to life. Students thoroughly enjoyed exploring Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt by participating in a range of workshops hosted by History Up Close.

Students dressed as Egyptian Priestesses, Pharaohs, and slaves as they discovered the social hierarchy of Ancient Egypt. Next up, students transformed into Spartans to understand the perilous path to manhood and the responsibilities of life as a warrior. Lastly, students learnt of the dangers of the Roman world. Students joined the Gladiatorial Arena and battled their opponent for entertainment.

The day ended with students returning to the classroom to create a cartouche with their name written in hieroglyphics. Overall, students were engaged in learning new facts about ancient civilisations whilst comparing them to the modern world.

- Ms Ayesha Guido

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