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Year 8 Retreat

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Year 8 Retreat

On Tuesday, the 3rd of September, the Year 8 students participated in the Year 8 Retreat which focused on their year level theme of connections. The retreat began with a Year 8 liturgy celebrated by Monsignor Joe. Thank you to Monsignor Joe, Sister Rita, and all Year 8 students who willingly participated in the offertory and readings during the liturgy. It was a beautiful start to our retreat. During Periods 3-5, students were divided between homerooms and spent the day discussing the importance of true friendship and connections with one another, ending the day with a Stations of the Cross prayer service. Thank you to all Year 8 students and to the Year 8 Religious Education teachers for their participation and support during the day.

- Ms Natalie Saliba

    Student Reflections

    On the 3rd of September, the Year 8 students were lucky enough to participate in a day’s worth of events for their Religious Retreat. The day began with a special mass service run by Monsignor Joe, where the students were able to begin their retreat with God. For the remainder of the day, they were all able to partake in group discussions and team bonding activities surrounding the year level theme of ‘connections’ and a Stations of the Cross prayer service. Mentioned by many students, the highlight of the retreat was when they attempted to make a shelter as a team out of different materials, symbolising their connections and strong bonds with one another. It wasn’t the easiest activity to say the least, but was definitely engaging and got everybody included as they managed to make a fort out of wrapping paper, sticky tape, newsletters, cups and other items. Overall, it was a very successful and blessed day that I’m sure everyone would like to do again!

    - Catalina, 8C

      On Tuesday the 3rd, the Year 8 classes got to come together for a religious retreat. We all came together to share our ideas and connect with our peers and do activities. We learnt about our relationship with God and the connection we have with him, our families and friends. One thing that I liked about the day was that we all got to come together, meet and talk to some new people and learn about ourselves.

      - Joud, 8D

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